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Indoor Air Testing

Indoor air testing is the first step in diagnosing a mold issue in your home or office. When you use a professional service like Mold Busters Singapore you will notice high end products performing the indoor air testing. This prevents a lapse in readings. You certainly wouldn’t want to miss any harmful mold in the reading right? Otherwise you could never really be sure that you home or office was safe from mold. Sure mold can build in small crevices, walls and floors but indoor air testing is always the first step. That’s because every kind of mold has an airborne component. Meaning even the smallest traces of mold will give off spores to the air. That’s why professional indoor air testing checks ventilation shafts, tall crawl spaces and more. Don’t make the mistake of going with the amatuers, call the professionals at Mold Busters Singapore!

Contact us

Mold Busters Singapore

60 Ubi Crescent #01-04 Ubi

Techpark Singapore 408569

Tel: (65) 6286 3333

Fax: (65) 6747 7992

E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 2005-2012 Mold Busters - Mold (mould) Inspection, Testing and Removal Services